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Market planning

The most important thing for modern enterprises to participate in market competition is to focus on their own target markets. In combination of the actual conditions of clients,Intercom helps enterprises find out target market accurately to set marketing programs,and promote the arrival of brand target market.

Brand promotion

Intercom takes it as the objective to build the image of clients themselves and their product brands. Through the implementation of a series of activities, it promotes a wide range of identification of the brand from target audience, sets a good brand image accordingly, improves brand awareness and reputation, and realizes product sales finally.

Media analysis

Intercom insists on taking the lead in integrating communication business, and provides one-stop service of overall advertising design, overall planning of media and all media purchase with the insight of consumers and the trend research as prerequisite.

Media release

For many years, Intercom has consistently dedicated to providing specialized service of media communication integration for brands, made continuous innovation in the media operation field, established strategic cooperation with many star TV media at home successively, provided brand new comprehensive release environment in which CCTV release is combined with star TV media, made use of its own specialized experience and strategy tobring the role as bridge into full play, and drew near the distance between media and the clients to a great extent.

Creative production

In Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan,Hangzhou,Leipzig and New York, Intercom owns close to a hundred creative engineers. Amongthem, it includes the elite talents with decades of specialized experience. We are jointly thinking about how to use the unprecedented innovative mode toprovide service for brands, and integrate brand creative ideas into every link in brand construction.

Film & TV advertisement

Intercom always takes marketing as the guiding direction, takes achievements as verification, and provides sincere service for every client. In countless actual practice, Intercom has accumulated very rich experience in the shooting execution of film &TV works. Effective communication, exquisite technology, first-class level,extensive ideas, unique angle of view and dedicated team make Intercom become the top team in China’s film & TV production.

Digital marketing

Having its foothold on the whole set of elements in the digital marketing field, Intercom promotes products and service via digital communication channels, so that brands make communication with target audience in a timely, relevant, customized and cost-saving mode.

Exhibition & demonstration

Intercom owns a specialized team for practice of brand planning. With rich experience and acute touch to the market,in combination with clients’ demand, with brand new design ideas,Intercom provides systematic service including exhibition, exhibition hall,activity design setup and etc. for clients.

PR sales promotion

With the integration of PR resources,Intercom makes use of free public relations to convey clients’operation goals,operation ideas and etc. to target audience, so that audience has a deeper understanding of brands.

Film & TV investment

Based on the advertising business,Intercom actively expands film & TV business. The main business covers relevant fields including the investment and financing of film and TV playprojects,cultural industry and etc. When the operation of high-end capital is strengthened, the incubation and link of industrial chains among the subsidiaries of the group is promoted at the same time.

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