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Barons of advertising circle meeting in Intercom Int’l

Editor:Intercom Time:2013-10-30 

    In the evening of Sept. 28th, stars were shining in Intercom Int’l and many barons of advertising circle gathered here, including Li Dongsheng, president of China Advertising Association, Yan Gang, vice president of China Advertising Association, the top three barons of global Chinese advertising circle: Tomaz Mok, Jimmy Lam and Peter Soh, and Chen Gang, dean of School of Journalism and Communication of Peking University, Yang Tongqing, professor from Capital University of Economics. They held cordial exchanges with Mr. Deng, and made an in-depth communication with Sophia Liu, chief executive creative director of Intercom Int’l Communication Group, Mike Dong and Anglo Woo, directors of creative department, and all other employers of creative department.




    The whole creative team of Intercom Int’l was deeply inspired by the masters of advertising circle while appreciating their elegant demeanor, and took this precious opportunity to learn from them. Barons praised the creative team for their successive good news of winning awards. For Li Dongsheng, president of China Advertising Association, it’s his third time to come to Intercom Int’l and gave guides, and he, as always, places his hope on our company.




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