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President Deng Chaoming was awarded a Doctorate of Advertising and Communications from Wuhan University

Editor:intercom Time:2014-06-18 

  Along with the celebration of the corporation’s 15th establishment anniversary in 2014, Deng Chaoming, the president of Intercom Int’l Communication Group, was awarded a doctorate of advertising and communications from Wuhan University. He successfully finished his doctoral dissertation defense in the School of Journalism and Communication, Wuhan University, and was very much honored to meet and take pictures with Wang Guoshen, the governor of Hubei Province, Hanjin, the secretary of the party committee of Wuhan University, and Li Xiaohong, the president of Wuhan University.

  The topic of President Deng Chaoming’s doctoral thesis was The Development Research on Strategy Transformation of Advertising Corporations—Quote Intercom Int’l Communication Group as An Example. Combing the developing history of the corporation and the current advertising industry background, the thesis proposed two strategy transformation ways which would be implemented in its future development. The first was to transform its role from traditional advertising to information service; the second was to transform its field from marketing communication industry to cultural creative industry.
  The arrival of the era of integrated marketing communication and digital communication provides both opportunity and challenge to the local advertising corporations. It is urgent for them to change their weak, decentralized, and generalized image to a specialized, international and intensive one. Its core competitiveness will also be nurtured in the new industrial environment. It is for the first time to study the strategy transformation of local advertising corporations in a thesis. It creatively established a strategy transformation system from the perspective of integrated marketing communication, digital communication, and the current development trend of cultural industry. This research not only effectively guided the future development direction of the corporation, but also provided theoretical basis and examples to the numerous corporations and the future development of the whole industry.

  The three-year doctoral study is coming to an end, but for President Deng Chaoming, the life-long study will never end. For him, this is a beginning of another journey. The purpose of his hard-working is neither for fame nor money. What he would like to achieve is to keep pace with the times and to become the leader in the advertising communication industry of China.
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