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Secret Recipe to Flesh up Meng’s Little Sheep

On the basis of extant brand assets of Little Sheep, the long-term target of building the first brand of Chinese food is proposed, and the beacon strategyfor brand construction is made: hotpot industry is taken as the core of brandoperation to promote brand recognition of mutton, condiments, logistic and alcoholic beverages; highlight brand culture and regional ethnical culture behind Little Sheep to form brand difference; refine the core value of the brand—joy, fine taste, naturalness and health—and the brand proposition of“enjoy a joyful life”; make comprehensive use of word-of-mouth, soft articles,PR, terminals, promotions, new media, ads and other means of communication topromote the recognition and approval of the brand.

In 2008, Little Sheep once again entrusted Intercom Int’l with its all-year brand promotion and marketing planning. 

主站蜘蛛池模板: 黄大仙区| 山阴县| 怀化市| 天长市| 穆棱市| 景泰县| 隆尧县| 定州市| 临夏市| 江达县| 新安县| 昌平区| 柘城县| 舞钢市| 湄潭县| 蒙城县| 永泰县| 日喀则市| 襄樊市| 台南县| 宁陕县| 松溪县| 巫山县| 宣武区| 府谷县| 南宁市| 苗栗市| 娄底市| 突泉县| 商水县| 乐至县| 屯门区| 福贡县| 唐海县| 大洼县| 星子县| 新丰县| 丹东市| 洪泽县| 普兰店市| 临桂县|