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Sport Drink Competitor: “From Minority to Majority”

Asa sport/nutrition drink, Competitor is challenged with the problems of goingfrom the market of professional athletes to the market of the mass. Competitorhad very low brand recognition among general consumers, very low market share,and under-developed distribution channels. Based on these adversities, wedesigned an advertising slogan that stresses on its fine quality—Sportnutritionist for Chinese—and combined advertising strategies such as “push” and“pull”, organized with great care media combination and took into considerationthe timing of ad. Afterexecution, the brand recognition was significantly improved. 

主站蜘蛛池模板: 景谷| 仁布县| 漾濞| 买车| 徐闻县| 怀化市| 肥城市| 河津市| 搜索| 滦南县| 沿河| 曲麻莱县| 五常市| 鹤庆县| 永平县| 永城市| 金堂县| 南昌市| 涿州市| 台东市| 修水县| 电白县| 永安市| 澎湖县| 景东| 鄂托克前旗| 长丰县| 墨玉县| 来宾市| 永仁县| 任丘市| 社会| 武强县| 普定县| 华安县| 正镶白旗| 南召县| 翁源县| 广丰县| 栾川县| 合江县|