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Marketing is the Wisdom of Intercommunication

The Preface of “the Doctrine of Intercom:Classic cases of China 4A Advertising”

As far asa company flourishing for manyyears is concerned, maybe only the boss knowsthe joys and sorrows in it best.

18cases collected in the book gather painstaking efforts of ourcompany for over1 0 years. Readers can find out our principle to conductourselves and ourwisdom to do things as well as the professional spirit that wefollow for along time in it. As a matter of fact, marketing or communication isnot ascomplicated and difficult as many people emphasize it is. In myopinion,marketing is the intercommunication of wisdom, a kind of wisdomofintercommunication calling for enthusiasm and professional spirit, andespecially“Make people and ourselves reach achievements, realizeintercommunication andmutual benefits”, which is also the doctrine that ourcompany has adhered to forover 10 years. Along the way, Intercom Int’l hasgrown and developed. I thinkthere are at least five gains from learning worthsharing with readers, that isto say, only when enterprise leaders have theseaccomplishments, can theyintercommunicate with various kinds of partnerswisely.

Boss’sMoral Intelligence Quotient---It is the great ability tocompel submission bykindness or generosity, it is the great wisdom to unitepeople with goodvirtues. As the saying goes in China, “Small victory lies inwisdom, greatvictory lies in virtues.” Intelligence quotient is enough to justwin two orthree rounds or for three to five years; but if it is desired to dobigbusiness and win a lifetime, it can’t do without moral intelligencequotient.Morality can unite people, morality can gather wisdom, morality cancollectmoney. In either ancient or modern times, in China or elsewhere, all therealbig businessmen reach the height hard to be reached by common people.

Boss’sIntelligence Quotient---In the future, it is not competitioncleverness, butcompetition about wisdom. In the new wealth era, the poverty ofa person ismainly the poverty of mind. If it depends on hard work andcompetition withothers to share wealth at the first stage to run a company, itdepends onperseverance at the second stage. Only persistence can help avoidthemisfortune to be eliminated, and complete the key transformationfrom“small-scale business” to “wealth hero”. At the third stage, it is“thinkingand innovation”. All the successful general managers in the world arethose whocan use their head to manage and operate company. Even though he is madetobecome a penniless loafer, he will stand up soon from another place, for heis ableto use his head.

Boss’sEmotional Quotient---The biggest advantage of an outstandinggeneral managerlies in emotional quotient. The psychologist Howard Gardnersaid, “At whatposition a person will stand in the society finally mostlydepends on thefactor of emotional quotient.” A businessman who didn’t have muchschoolingcontrols five companies now, including two listed companies, and thetotalturnover every year gets close to RMB 8 billion. He said, “Managementpersonnelknows management much better than me, market personnel knows marketmuch betterthan me, technical personnel knows technology much better than me.My strongpoint is to take into consideration the company’s strategies and howto dealwith the relations in every aspect.”

Boss’sAdversity Quotient---Whether a general manager is competentdepends on hisability to lead his team to transcend difficulties. No rich andpowerful manproceeds smoothly without a hitch. They all experience sharp riseand fall oflife. Whether a general manager is competent not only depends onwhether he hasstrong consciousness to start business, proficient specializedskills andoutstanding management talent, but also depends on his ability to getrid ofdifficult situation and overcome difficulties.

Boss’sDaring Quotient---There is no perfectly safe money waitingfor you to earn inthe world. No matter what era it is, if there is no daring toundertake risk,it is hard to achieve anything. If it is desired to makebusiness grow biggerand make company grow stronger, it is required to havecourage to think and do.Of course, the prerequisite to have courage to thinkand do should go with acomplete set of feasible implementation plan andunyielding faith. It isrequired to take battle with the prepared status. Thosewho fall down in thebusiness world are all attributed to their anxiety andeagerness for success.It is necessary to seek development in stability in doingbusiness. Afterbusiness grows, others will come for your business voluntarily.

Itcan be seen from the cases shown in the book that thedevelopment of thecompany for over 10 years can be generalized with “Conductourselves in asimple way, do things with wisdom”. Just due to the adherence tothe principle,the company has created outstanding value for both our partnersand itself.Hopefully, readers can also obtain more enlightenment from the book“Wisdom ofIntercommunication”…

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