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President Deng Chaoming was invited to participate the opening of the 5th International DNA and Genome day& Zhen Ao Biological Valley’s opening ceremony

Editor:Intercom Time:2014-04-28 


  On 25th, Apr. 2014, the grand opening of the 5th International DNA and Genome Day& Zhen Ao Biological Valley was held in Dalian development zone. This activity had grand scale that nearly 20,000 customers and guests attended. The permanent site of International DNA and Genome Day settled down the science and technology museum of International DNA Health in Zhen Ao Biological Valley at that day. 9 Nobel Prize winning scientists cut ribbon for it jointly. In future, the DNA and Genome Day will be held once in every two years.

  DNA and Genome Day was divided into 8 major parts which included about 360 reports. 9 Nobel Prize winning scientists spoke in meeting with 20 international academicians, 10 senior executives of the world top 500 enterprises and nearly 1,000 experts come from 61 countries and regions all around the world.

  It was an unprecedented grand meeting for scientists of biotechnology and biological economy entrepreneurs. This meeting made a contribution to world biotechnology development. 

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