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Ji Lizheng, the domestic well-known expert of brand marketing shared digital marketing with Intercom INT’L Communication Group’s staff

Editor:Intercom Time:2014-03-26 


  Invited by Intercom INT’L Communication Group,the greater China region’s judge of the United States Ivy Prize, the brand chief of Japanese HANAJIRUSHI and the domestic well- known expert of brand marketing Ji Lizheng came to give us a lecture in 22nd, Mar. The president of Intercom INT’L Communication Group Deng Chaoming and his staff attended this special lecture called the method of marketing broadcast in the era of searching brand.

  With the development of self- media and mobile Internet, marketing comes into the era of searching brand. Mr. Ji introduced Don E.Schultz’s SIVA theory which presented in 2012 as a new marketing concept firstly. He also used a lot of cases to explain the enormous influence given by brand search results to marketing broadcast vividly.
  In the era of searching brand, what enterprises have to do is control the process of searching that in order to enrich the search contents. Detailed implementation needs three steps: content ,technology and media.

  Content refers to create hot spots or follow them then bound them with brand. In this way to increase exposure rate and form hot brand; technology emphasizes that the information of enterprises must be reflected by source code. This can make search engine easily to grab the content of enterprise brand timely and accurately; Media refers to that enterprises must be good at using media. Enterprises public news and video which hot related to its own in big website and at the same time through the netizens’ push who have the independent IP at the major social media platform. In this way search and share form in the Internet and finally achieve the goal of enterprises’ information can be search quickly.
  President Deng Changming gave a summative speech after the excellent sharing of Mr. Ji. He said that the enterprises in the era of digital should change with main tide. Using digital media actively to achieve the goal of marketing broadcast is enterprises’ task. At the last, he showed his appreciation to Mr. Ji ‘s fascinating sharing unfeignedly.

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