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The Summer Teambuilding Exercise of Intercom Int’l Communication Group in 2014

Editor:intercom Time:2014-06-20 


  The teambuilding exercise which themed as “Climb to the Top” ended on the afternoon of June 14th 2014 in Beijing’s first peak Dongling Mountain. This exercise was profoundly significant. It was organized by Intercom Int’l Communication Group, in which many colleagues were involved.

  Dongling Mountain is located in Fanshan town of Zhulu county, Hebei Province. There are numerous forests and meadows, with steep hills, strange stones, and deep valleys. The main peak of Dongling Mountain is 2,303 meters above sea level. It is the highest peak protecting our capital and is so called the Mount Qomolangma in the west of Beijing. However, it was difficult to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the mountain. During the hours of climbing, our colleagues were challenged both physically and mentally by the steep slope, falling stones, sunlight exposure and blowing wind. Fortunately, with the encouragement and support from each other, they finally conquered all the problems and successfully climbed to the top of the mountain under the leadership of President Deng Chaoming.

  The colleagues of Intercom Int’l Communication Group arrived at the foot of Dongling Mountain on the afternoon of June 13th. After a night’s rest, this teambuilding exercise started at 8:30 in the morning of June 14th. Experiencing hours of exploration and challenge, nearly all the teams of Intercom Int’l Communication Group returned with exhausted but complacent smiles on their faces. People applauded thunderously when the last team successfully returned from the top. Afterwards, President Deng Chaoming presided a sharing meeting of this teambuilding exercise. The participants shared what they saw and heard, thought and felt during the climbing process. It was not only a physical exercise for all the participants, but also an opportunity to harvest the friendships between each other and realized the gigantic power of teamwork. They were all inspired during the process of helping and being helped, support and being supported. The most moving part in this teambuilding exercise was that president Deng Chaoming insisted on climbing to the top of Dongling Mountain under the circumstances of being hurt after the 300-kilometer hiking he participated before. The unyielding spirit of President Deng Chaoming also reflected the spirit of Intercom Int’l Communication Group, which would encourage all the colleagues to grow and develop with the corporation together.

The group photo of all the participants of Intercom Int’l Communication Group in Dongling Mountain

Mr. Deng Chaoming, the president of Intercom Int’l Communication Group

The group photo of Intercom Int’l Communication Group before departure

The team members were helping each other.

The group photo of part of the team in the mountain

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