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Core ideas

Vision: Dedicate itself to being included in the first group of China’s advertising media

Mission: Help clients build high-quality brand with overall competitive advantages

Core values: Make people and ourselves reach achievements, realize intercommunication and mutual benefits

“5 + 1” culture

Intercom Int’lCommunication Group insists on the six-day working system every week in orderto provide service for clients for one more day and offer growth for employeesfor one more day.

Employees’ oath

Here, it is my new starting point; here, it is my stage. I work hard, I struggle hard for the purpose of realizing my own value. I would like to be work diligently everyday, fulfill my duties and obligations, and have courage to take responsibility. I will make use of my passion full of my heart and soul to work hard, make myself enriched, complete myself, and transcend myself. Today, I amproud of Intercom. Tomorrow, Intercom will be proud of me.

“Your energy goes beyond your imagination. Make people and ourselves reach achievements, realize intercommunication and mutual benefits” 

主站蜘蛛池模板: 柳州市| 邵东县| 商南县| 峨眉山市| 米林县| 郧西县| 西吉县| 北碚区| 成都市| 万山特区| 澳门| 将乐县| 崇礼县| 惠安县| 南安市| 合肥市| 剑河县| 昌邑市| 安仁县| 闵行区| 新乐市| 连平县| 榕江县| 兰州市| 昭觉县| 裕民县| 岳普湖县| 大英县| 田东县| 永川市| 阳泉市| 张掖市| 河北区| 西畴县| 淮阳县| 林西县| 利辛县| 惠州市| 阳朔县| 泽州县| 梅州市|